Free Wi-Fi available in the North Exit Square of Koenji Station


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The North Exit Square of Koenji Station houses a temporary professional wrestling ring during the Koenji Festival in October.
Connecting the station and Koenji Junjo shopping street, this peaceful space provides venue for various events that attract people of Koenji.
Did you know that this square and its surrounding areas is equipped with free Wi-Fi?

How to connect to Junjo Free Wi-Fi

Select the SSID of Junjo Free Wi-Fi in the settings screen

Tap the ”Settings“ icon and open the settings screen.
Make sure that Wi-Fi is turned on.
From the SSID list, choose ”2020_JUNJO_FREE_WIFI_01.

Email registration in the portal screen

Your browser will automatically launch and open the portal screen of Junjo Free Wi-Fi.
(If the browser does not automatically open, please launch it yourself.)
Tap ”Connect to Internet.“

Email registration in the authentication screen

Input your email address (which you can access from your smartphone or tablet).
Read the terms of use, check the ”Agree to terms of use“ box, and tap ”confirm.“

Read the message ”Regarding wireless LAN security,“ and tap ”confirm.“
Check the registration overview on the screen, and complete the provisional email registration.
Click the URL in the authentication email sent to the registered email address, and the whole registration process is over. Now you can connect to the Internet!